Friday 7 December 2012

Preliminary Task

Preliminary Task- Overview

We were asked to create a short clip that displayed different camera techniques these were: Point Of View shot and a 180 reverse shot. We were asked to add these techniques in our short clip that had a basic story line to it.

PRODUCTION. How did we achieve  it?
I worked with my fellow classmate, Sveta Ankomah. Before we started filming, we created a story board to create a basic outline of our video. Then we started to using the camera, talking about the different elements that can be added to our video. The shooting primarily took place inside a classroom, but the outside was also feature mainly for the beginning. 

POST PRODUCTION. Was it successful?
We worked well as a group, as we were able to talk about different ideas inside AND outside of school. If any problem did arise we would go back to the storyboard and find a way to resolve it. Sveta was in charge of filming and editing. I was the creative mind behind it, trying to find out what camera angles worked well with what. In addition myself and Sveta were the actresses in the video. The final edit looks professional, with some elements of comedy.

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