Tuesday 16 October 2012

Overview on The Birds Movie

Hello all,

We watched the movie The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock, as we are watching a lot of movies by Alfred Hitchcock. 

The plot of the movie The Birds begin as a San Franciscan socialite takes her potential boyfriend to a small Northern Californian. The trip quickly sours as things take a turn for the worse as birds of all different species viciously attack the citizens of the small town.

I learned that the external threat is from Mother Nature. A man must have ticked her off.  

There was a lot of fast paced action which is common in a thriller. My favorite part must be when all the children run out of the school screaming and hundreds and hundreds of birds came down to attack them. 

Devices such as suspense and cliffhangers are used throughout the movie.  A great example of this is when she enters the attic and she doesn't know its jam-packed with birds. She flicks on the light and BOOM!! The birds are attacking her from all different of directions. 

Alfred Hitchcock stated that thrillers allow the audience to" to put their toe in the cold water of fear to see what it's like"

I believe Hitchcock had succeed in this. Despite the not so amazing graphics, use of props etc. Hitchcock allowed us ton experience the thriller in the movie. Fortunately for us, we didn't have to endure it. 

That's it, I'm done. Now I'm free as bird. There was a nested pun in there ;)

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