Tuesday 23 October 2012

Overview of North by Northwest

Ohhh lookie here another overview view of another Alfred Hitchcock film. No, I've put my bird puns aside. This time is a film by drum roll please............*Alfred Hitchcock* called North by Northwest. 

The movie is an American thriller and ran for 136 minutes. 

The movie stars Cary Grant, Evie Marie Saint and James Mason.

This time it's a film about a case of mistaken identity.(I really feel for this character I can't go to my local corner shop without being mistaken for a celebrity).With an innocent man pursued across the United States by agents of a mysterious organization who want to stop his interference in their plans to smuggle out microfilm containing government secrets. 

North by Northwest is an archetypal thriller. 

Thrillers are characterized by fast pacing, frequent action.  An example of this when we see Roger run away from the crop duster plane. 

North by Northwest also uses cliffhangers, which is more obvious during the final scene. This is shown when Eve is hanging off a cliff and Roger is reaching to grab her hand to help her up. Then it cuts back to a scene where they are seen happy and together. 

There are also elements of suspense. For example when George is caught in Phillip Vandamm's house he is left alone with his maid, who is armed. We are than cut to Eve and Phillip about to the enter the plane. When we hear shots coming from within the house. This is when we believe that George has died. But we see him, run out of the house unharmed.

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