Saturday 10 November 2012

Media Studies - Camera Shots

Hey all,

This short video shows an example of different camera shots we learned throughout our lessons. We used different examples of camera shots and edited using Final Cut Express.

Examples of Camera Shots used are:

Close Up (CU)
Extreme Close UP (ECU)
Mid shot
High Angle Shot
Low Angle Shot
Crane Shot

If you didn't get a a good view of the video; here are a few examples of the camera shots we used.


1 comment:

  1. Nnenna, excellent re "Psycho". so far in class we have also compiled a recipe for a thriller and studied “The Birds”, “North by Northwest” and “Unknown”. For each of these you should have a blog. Please go back and complete any that are missing. If you need me to send any notes about missing ones, please email me. Remember to copy key scenes from films etc and to analyse/deconstruct tension is created. You should also be adding your own thrillers to the blog. How do they fit into our recipe?

    Mr W
