Monday 19 November 2012

Psycho Overview

A few lessons ago we watched another Alfred Hitchcock movie... PHYSCO.

Before we get started with the film Physco, let us find information about who made Physco possible.
The screenplay writer is Joseph Stefano and based on the Robert Bloch novel. 
The movie stars Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh and Vera Miles. 

Marion, a young woman who works as a Phoenix office room worker, was trusted with $40,000 to keep in the bank. However, in a crazy spur of the moment she keeps the money and decided to get married to her long-term journey. As she takes the journey to her boyfriend's town she drives off the main highway where she stays at an isolated motel called The Bates Motel. Where she encounters the young Norman Bates, manager of Bates Motel, who seems to be very aware of his mother and what she demands. 

Different elements of what is considered a THRILLER is shown throughout the film. 

It is said that as soon as the film was shown in the cinemas, 2 miles of cars were seen to line up to watch the premier of the film.

The external threat was by a mad man, who seemed to be possessed by his mother. He was very deranged. 

There was a lot of fast paced action throughout the film, this gave the thriller the quality which is needed to make a successful thriller.
These fast paced actions can be seen in the shower scene. When Marion was seen showering and then we see a shadow holding a knife, killing her. The effect of using a shadow instead of seeing the person added a real sense of mystery which added to the wonderful twist at the end. 

Devices such as Red Herrings was used. When we believed that the film was about Marion and the money she stole, but then we she died halfway through the film. We realize it is not about her, but about the happenings of The Bates Motel.

Suspense can be identified throughout the film. But one that stuck out is when Marion's sister, Lila, was seen approaching the figure on a chair who we believe is Norman Bate's mother hiding in the fruit cellar, from the police.
As soon as Lila lightly touched her, the figure swiftly turns around and we witness a skeleton of Norman Bate's mother. 

The music climax to the point of where we meet the mother is very eerie. As believe that the mother was alive all this time and she was going to kill Lila, but when we see her in a skeleton form just adds more to the suspense.

The true villain of Physco is Norman Bate's mind. He has been taken over by his mum, to compensate that she is not with Norman anymore and how he refused to take to her husband. 

Hitchcok said a thriller allows "to put their toe in the cold water of fear to see what it is like". This extract is true, as we do not need to be in Marion or Lila's situation feel their emotions throughout the film, but we can be part of the audience to enjoy and it doesn't necessarily have to happen to us.

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