Wednesday 27 February 2013



This is our animatic.  This is what me and Sveta achieved in class.

Friday 15 February 2013

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

Group Members: Nnenna and Sveta

Location: Alleyway in Rainham 
Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
Injury when filming in the dark.
People in the scene
12Bring flashlights and shoot in a well lit place. Y
Equipment being ruined.
No one431Ensure all equipment is packed away carefully.Y

Emergency Service: Hospital. King George/ Queens Hospital. 999
Robert Clack School:
  Other Contacts:  

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Costumes and Props

Costumes and Props
Character Name: Unknown Murderer
Costume: Ski Mask
Track suit

Props: Rope
Character Name: Louise
Costume: Everyday clothes

Character Name: Samuel

Props: Gloves

Contingency Plan

Contingency Plan
Name: Nnenna and Sveta

Production: Retrace
Potential problems and how to overcome these problems:
When being strangled injury can occur-
Plan how to strangle effectively and safely. 

Research in certification

Certification is important because it gives the conformation to a person, object and organization.

According to BBFC Certifiication is:

"In order to protect children from unsuitable and even harmful content in films and videos and to give consumers information they might need about a particular film or video before deciding whether or not to view it, the BBFC examines and age rates films and videos before they are released. This independent scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible level of protection and empowerment."

There are a following you see in films:

Universal. This means that anyone of any age can watch this film with this certificate.

 Parental Guidance -PG- Meaning that anyone can watch this film. However children under the age of 8, parents might consider watching this film with their children.
12. Meaning any persons over the age of 12 can watch this film.

12A rated films to be suitable for children aged 12 as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of 12 are seemed unsuitable to watch this film.  
The 15 rated film means that the film is not suitable for those younger than the age of 15. Film with this rating may contain drug use, moderate strong violence, strong words, adult themes/ sex references. 
The 18 rated film means that the film  can not be viewed by any person under the age of 18. This film has no limit on the strong words used. Hard drugs are generally used, strong violence/ sex refrences and sexual activity can be used. 

Definition of 'Shock'

An example of Shock was in the opening scene of the film 'Children of Men'.

The opening scene we see a crowd being formed around a TV in a coffee shop, where we learn that the youngest person on Earth had died. We follow a young man out of the coffee shop, then we hear a sudden explosion and see the remains of what was the coffee shop. Here after we see a woman leave the coffee shop clutching a severed arm. This scene had shock because as an audience we weren't expecting the explosion. 


This is myself and my partners storyboard this gives us an outline of what our short thriller opening sequence will look like. We were able to discuss what should be present in each section and the different sounds and the duration for each frame. 

Mood Board

This is the mood board that I created on Glogster. It has different conventions of a thriller and different aspects which will be present in our thriller. 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Definition of 'Suspense'

Suspense is a convention used throughout a variety of different film genres, however it is more apparent  in thrillers.

We looked at several films including Sabotage (1936).
In this film there was a particular scene in the film which displayed a real definition of suspense in motion.

When Stevie had a package that needed to be delivered believing it was film canister but it was actually carrying a timed bomb for Verloc. We as an audience realize what really is in the package, but Stevie had no idea. Therefore he allowed him to be distracted along his route, thus delaying his journey. When he finally does enter the bus to deliver the packaging, he was too late, and the bomb detonated. This short scene had created suspense as we don't know when the bomb would be detonated, it could have had happened anywhere. In addition when Stevie was caught in the street commotion, delaying his journey, we as the audience were hoping that Stevie would hurry along.

Moby Gratis

Several lessons ago we signed up to Moby Gratis website This site allows you to have access to free music composed by Moby himself for non-profit films and filmmakers. 

I signed up to the site on behalf of my group.

This a screen captured image to prove that I have signed up with, therefore allowing me to download his music legally. 

Friday 1 February 2013

Production Schedule Location Visit Sheet

Production Schedule
Location Visit Sheet

Programme Title: Retrace
Writer: Nnenna and Sveta
Producer: Nnenna and Sveta
Director: Sveta
Date: 22/02/2013

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note
- Alleyway
- Forestry
- Dark

Access to location via:
- Pavement
- Public Transport

Name and number of location contact:
- Sveta - 07730403982

 Health and Safety Issues to note:

       Filming in the dark may cause to the parties. 
Potential Filming Problems :

- Poor lighting due to filming in the dark.

- Insufficient in the equipment.

- Strangers getting in the shot.

- Equipment may get damaged.

- Equipment may malfunction. 
Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc)

- Poor Weather which may disrupt plans.

- Construction work may disrupt plans.

Shooting Schedule

Shooting Schedule
Cast +Crew
Wednesday 20th February 2013
 The group of girls leaving the house party.
House leading to the alley way. 
Party going clothes including dresses and high heels. 
Dark clothing such as ski mask and tracksuit. 
Miscellaneous items in the bag. 
Nnenna and Sveta filming. 
Dara/ Charles/ Freddie- kidnapper.
Various girls- partygoers.


Group Roles

Cinematography: Nnenna and Sveta
Mise-en-scene: Nnenna and Sveta 
Sound: Nnenna
Editing: Sveta

Tag Line:

Group of girls leave a party, one girl gets left behind: Jodie. An unknown figure is seen to be lurking around. Other girls are oblivious that their friend is not with them. Results in Jodie being taken as she is believed to be someone else.


Key Genre Conventions:
Action Thriller

Studio Idents

Previously, we discovered Studio Idents.
Studio Idents are the first motion picture you see when watching a film. They enable you to identify the production company involved in the producing and the funding of the particular film. 

Production company's- "The Big Six"

Paramount pictures

The logo originally had twenty-four 
stars, as a tribute to the then actors, since Paramount had twenty-four stars signed at the time.In 1974 the logo was simplified, adopting the design of the then-current television version, and the number of stars was changed to twenty-two; this version of the logo is still in use as Paramount's current print logo.

Columbia Pictures
The current logo was created in 1992, when the logo was repainted digitally by Michael Deas, who was hired to return the lady to her "classic" look. He used Jenny Joseph,  but used a composite for the face. Resulting to the resemblance to Dorothy Kilgallen. The animation, created by Synthespian Studios which starts with a bright light, which zooms out to reveal the torch and then the lady. The duo used 2D elements from the painting and converted it to 3D.

Warner Bros. Pictures
The WB studio Ident is written on a shield with the initial WB and WARNER BROS TELEVISION written across it. The logo ripples and we see houses or factories inside the logo before we are introduced with the well known tune and logo. 

The universal logo has the Earth in a dark, starry background and the title UNIVERSAL written across it. In motion, we see the Earth orbiting on its axis and we see lights coming through all the countries of the Earth, followed swiftly by the word UNIVERSAL coming through from right to left. 

20th Century Fox
The 20th Century Fox ident is first recognized by the catchy drum and trumpet tune. Then it follows with the '20th Century Fox' logo written in gold. We are taken from behind the logo to the front and where we notice the 'Hollywood' sign cleverly hidden behind it.

Walt Disney
Walt Disney famous ident we see a blue, starry and cloudy sky and as we progress downwards we are introduced to the river, which lies behind the castle. Fireworks are seen around the castle and as we zoom out we see the words Walt Disney Pictures written across the screen. 

With all these idents in consideration, I have come to ideas for the appropriate ident for our (Mine and Sveta) production company. It definitely has certain rules to follow in regards to brightness and sound.