Friday 1 February 2013

Studio Idents

Previously, we discovered Studio Idents.
Studio Idents are the first motion picture you see when watching a film. They enable you to identify the production company involved in the producing and the funding of the particular film. 

Production company's- "The Big Six"

Paramount pictures

The logo originally had twenty-four 
stars, as a tribute to the then actors, since Paramount had twenty-four stars signed at the time.In 1974 the logo was simplified, adopting the design of the then-current television version, and the number of stars was changed to twenty-two; this version of the logo is still in use as Paramount's current print logo.

Columbia Pictures
The current logo was created in 1992, when the logo was repainted digitally by Michael Deas, who was hired to return the lady to her "classic" look. He used Jenny Joseph,  but used a composite for the face. Resulting to the resemblance to Dorothy Kilgallen. The animation, created by Synthespian Studios which starts with a bright light, which zooms out to reveal the torch and then the lady. The duo used 2D elements from the painting and converted it to 3D.

Warner Bros. Pictures
The WB studio Ident is written on a shield with the initial WB and WARNER BROS TELEVISION written across it. The logo ripples and we see houses or factories inside the logo before we are introduced with the well known tune and logo. 

The universal logo has the Earth in a dark, starry background and the title UNIVERSAL written across it. In motion, we see the Earth orbiting on its axis and we see lights coming through all the countries of the Earth, followed swiftly by the word UNIVERSAL coming through from right to left. 

20th Century Fox
The 20th Century Fox ident is first recognized by the catchy drum and trumpet tune. Then it follows with the '20th Century Fox' logo written in gold. We are taken from behind the logo to the front and where we notice the 'Hollywood' sign cleverly hidden behind it.

Walt Disney
Walt Disney famous ident we see a blue, starry and cloudy sky and as we progress downwards we are introduced to the river, which lies behind the castle. Fireworks are seen around the castle and as we zoom out we see the words Walt Disney Pictures written across the screen. 

With all these idents in consideration, I have come to ideas for the appropriate ident for our (Mine and Sveta) production company. It definitely has certain rules to follow in regards to brightness and sound. 

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