Friday 1 February 2013

Focus Group Video

Today's lesson we filmed, edited and evaluated our focus group . 
As seen by the video below.

The first idea:
A group of girls return from a party, when one gets left behind, but the others are too caught up to realize that they have left someone behind. As a result she ends up being kidnapped without anyone's acknowledgment. 

The second idea:
A babysitter is left in charge to take care of a couple of boys, when she hears suspicious noises coming from the kitchen but believing it's the boys playing in the kitchen she looks no further. She puts them to bed and the next morning the boys are nowhere to be seen. 

The third idea: 
A man is in pitch black in his bedroom and then he places all his killing tools on his bedside table. When someone grabs him from behind and he ends up killing the man that grabbed him. 

From our focus group we listened to their ideas and have decided that we will go with the first idea. Due to the availability of the location and the group of people readily available to be involved. We still have to discuss further about plots, timing and script. 

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