Wednesday 30 January 2013

Information on Alfred Hitchcock

ALFRED HITCHCOCK there is so much to say about this well known, noted, famous director and producer. 

He was born 13th August 1899, in Leytonstone, London; England. And he practiced a Roman Catholic religion. He often described his childhood as a lonely and sheltered one often worsened by his obesity. 

According to Hitchcock, around the age of 5 he was sent to his local police station by his father with a note asking him to be locked up as a punishment for his bad behavior, this trauma can be identified in many of his films showing terror and false accusations. He developed many techniques in the suspense and psychological thrillers.

Alfred had a taste of the film industry for the first time in 1920s, by drawing off sets.

In 1923 he was hired to direct the film Number 13, though the production wasn't completed because the studio was closed down. Hitchcock didn't give up. He directed a film called The Pleasure Garden, a British/German production, which proved very popular. Hitchcock made his first trademark film, with The Lodger. 

He gained more success in the UK with movies such as The Lady Vanishes and Jamaican Inn which also increased his fame in the USA. 

However, it was after the production of Sabouter (1942) was when Alfred's fame as a director grew.

On March 7, 1979, while Hitchcock was awarded with the AFI Life Achievement Award his health took a turn for the worse. 

In late 1979, Hitchcock was knighted, making him Sir Alfred Hitchcock. On the 29th April 1980, he died peacefully in his sleep due to renal failure. His body was later cremated and scattered across the Pacific Ocean. 

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