Friday 4 January 2013

Thriller Suspense

The Suspense 'Thriller' Hitchock Model
Under the influence of Hitchcok, thrillers often begin with a crime and the accusation of the innocent bystander. Were the accused to contact the authorities, no doubt the case could be promptly solved, but instead the poor bystander runs from the law thus further jeopardising life and limbs- Rick Attman- Film/Genre.
Shown in North by Northwest 1959
....North by Northwest the accused was an innocent bystander Roger O. Thornhill who was simply there at the wrong place and time. The innocent bystander who simply was mistaken was taken through a turmill of twists and turns full of suspense which was consequently dropped at the end of the film. 

An example of Suspense: 

A scene where the audience sees the exact replica of an office. Inside the office we see a masked man with a gun, we the audience are aware of the masked man with a gun but the workers within the film are not aware. 
Will they be saved?
Will they see the deranged mad man with the gun?
Rope (1948)
Tells the story of two young affluent men named Brandom and Phillip who strangle and murder their friend to see if they can get away with it.
They then host a part inviting fellow acquaintances including the murdered mans parents, while hiding is body in a box in the setting room where the party is being held. 

The clip is a typical example of suspense. The suspense is created by keeping dead body in the box at the same place and time the party is happening. 
Will the partygoers ask to see whats in the box?
What will happen?
Will the body be discovered?

Another example is the film Sabotage (1936)

The film clip embedded above show a young boy called Stevie who is  killed, along with many other people, when a bus explodes. Stevie thought that he was simply delivering a film canister, but he was unknowingly carrying a time bomb. Stevie had become distracted along the way which had been because all of the street commotion, which had delayed his delivery, and the then bomb exploded en route to the destination. 

This clip showed a suspense factor because we weren't sure where the bomb was going to be exploded, was it on the street full of the hundred onlookers? But it happened on the bus, but as an audience we weren't sure when. And when the bus did explode, it was a shock as it happened.   

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