Wednesday 17 April 2013

Evaluation Question 1

In what way does your media product use, develop or challenege forms and conventions of real media products?

The main objective of a thriller is to thrill. Therefore thriller conventions allow this to happen. The conventions of a thriller are the protagonist and antagonist. Thrillers also have a lot of suspense that keeps the audience on their toes and on the edge of their seats. With it comes a lot of tension, the tension creates an atmosphere that the audience feel they are a part of the film. In addition the dilemma; otherwise the thriller will cease to exist. The dilemma ensures that other conventions of a thriller are focused around it. Moreover the cliff hanger: this ensures that the audience will keep on watching to see the end result of the film. In more cases than often, there usually involves a car chase or a chase scene. This maintains tension and suspense already being introduced to the thriller. 

In our thriller we included several characteristics of a thriller. We included suspense,
dilemma and cliffhangers. 

When brainstorming our thriller opening sequence ideas we thought of the thriller, Taken

This was clear when we portray a young girl being, what we thought, killed but with a cliffhanger ending. In addition a female protagonist role we also replicated from Silence of the Lambs film.  

Moreover we also used a cliffhanger idea from the thriller North by Northwest.  

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