Friday 12 April 2013

Primeval Extract

How is Gender represented in the Primeval Extract?

Gender in the primeval extract was show in a variety  of ways. At the beginning of the extract we see a young, blonde attractive woman controlling a digger while the other two gentleman tend the vegetable garden. This is quite surreal as a woman wouldn’t normally be involved with manual labour as it seen as quite strenuous and a ‘mans’ job. As we progress on with the clip, we are seen with a CGI animated tiger. A young man, jumps into a hole to protect himself while the young, blonde women in the digger helps to protect himself by scaring away the tiger. He screams out her name in despair for her to save him. This shows the dominance of the female gender. With these two aspects at just the beginning of the clip, we realise that gender roles that have been set by society has been changed. The woman now participating in manual labour, has also come to protect the man trapped by a CGI tiger.

There is also a change in music in contrast to when the woman was first introduced in the digger and when the man was chased by the tiger. The woman had a suspensful, mysterious non diegtic sound which contrasted to the mans jumpy, string orchestra as his life was truley in danger.

Further on when we are introduced to a young, brunette woman. We learn that she is trying to manipulate him into taking the fall for her. As he refuses, she heavily implies that the authorities will hear of his 'dog breeding' business to 'fight' them, giving him only a few days if he admits to a crime he hadn't commit. This shows a heavy female dominance and power she had over the farmer named Mr West, in the form of blackmail.

As he quotes that he is always 'harrased' and he wouldn't be 'pushed around' any longer the roles have reversed. She finds herself begging for him to put the gun down. The scene in particular, was shot in slow motion with suspensful music, because we feel the fear that this young woman is potraying.

Overall gender in the Primeval extract was seen as a dominant, superior group which belonged to the female. This is a contrast to how the male would normally be portrayed.

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